First I’ll tell you about public manners which you must not do in Japan. When you get on train, you mustn’t call, put on make up, talk loudly, and drinking and eating are not good. If men get on train, you should take carefully, because in Japan there is train which only women can get on.
In street, you mustn’t smoke with walking, sit on street, for example, don’t sit on in front of convenience store, and if you do something bad thing, you should apologize.
As a handy piece of information, it’s good for you when you go shopping, you bring your shopping bag and when you eat in restaurant, and you haven’t to pay chips. In addition to this, you don’t worry about not coming Christmas card, because we don’t have such a custom, but we send New Year card. When you send them, you take carefully not to send for person who is in mourning.
In street, you mustn’t smoke with walking, sit on street, for example, don’t sit on in front of convenience store, and if you do something bad thing, you should apologize.
As a handy piece of information, it’s good for you when you go shopping, you bring your shopping bag and when you eat in restaurant, and you haven’t to pay chips. In addition to this, you don’t worry about not coming Christmas card, because we don’t have such a custom, but we send New Year card. When you send them, you take carefully not to send for person who is in mourning.