My name is Chie, I’m going to talk about history of the Wieliczka Salt Mine.
The Wieliczka Salt Mine is located in southern Poland near the city of Krakow. Two million years ago, Wieliczka became land, because of movement of the earth‘s crush, and seawater evaporated, then be made huge layer. In the thirteen century, digging of Wieliczka Salt Mine became serious and the salt that can be gotten in there is called “white gold”, then that brought vast riches in Poland. The depth of the mine was dug spent seven hundred years is three hundred meters. It length is three hundred kilometers. You can see it even now.
To pray for safety of work, miners who work there built a chapel in the mine. One of them, the Chapel of the Blessed Kinga dug 101 meters underground is held of mass on Sundays or be held a wedding ceremony. All of the objects in this chapel, for example, altar, sculptures and chandeliers are made from rock salt, so sight seers are surprised by them. The sculptures are made by not sculptors but miners.